Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Little Bird flew to Israel

The high part of "The Little Bird Is Calling", played in a 4-beat Sfardic beat (instead of a soft 3-beat)

I know, it's very not quantized and it irks you

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hoaderes V'Hoemuna (Part 1)

My First MIDI Attempt

Using my keyboard + Cubase 5 + Samples from SampleTank 2.5

Oldie but Goodie (GUITAR.mp3)

Midvar Sheker Remix - Dr. Middos

FruityLoops with various samples (Nexus, SampleTank, others) of questionable origin...

How to post a music post (Updated)

1) Upload your file to the internet.

Easy method: 
Your file will end up here:

2) Embed your file.

<audio controls="controls">
<source src="
    Link Here    " type="audio/mpeg">
<embed height="80px" width="100px">
Your browser does not support this audio

To download the file, right-click on the player and "Save as audio..." (Works in Chrome).